What about you

what about you

What about you we say when at first any one say How are you after providing answer with Yes/NO we can say contrary What about you that particular person?

What about you আমরা ব্যবহার করি যখন কোনো ব্যক্তি আমাদের কাছে কোনো কিছু জানতে চাওয়ার পরে আমরাও সেই একই ব্যপারে জানতে চাই। নিচে কয়েকটি ‍উদাহরণ দেওয়া হলো……..

Like –
A: How are You?
B : I am fine .What about You?
A : I am also fine.
Another Example…..
A: Have you had you breakfast ?
B: Yes, What about you ?
A: Yes, I also have had my breakfast .

Another example…..

A: Have you completed your homework?

B: Yes, What about you?

A: Yes, I have also finished my homework.

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