have to has to had to

We use had to , has to and have to in speaking English some specific reason. We use had to in past and we use have to and has to in present and future. We use these three phrases to express our thought in English.

Had to

We use had to for expressing some things which we must have done something in past. Like something we didn’t want to do in past, But we have done that work due to compulsory. Like you didn’t want to go to a place a few days ago, but you had to go for some reason. And now at this time, you are describing to anyone a few days ago I had to go to a place even if I didn’t want to go. At that time we use had to for expressing our past activities

How to learn Speaking English Easily

Use of have to

We use have to when we do anything compulsory in present time and future time and there is no options without doing that particular work . I am showing some example below….

we have to do this work now.(compulsory)

we have to go hospital now or a few minutes later (compulsory)

They have to clean this field (compulsory)

They have to participate in this function (compulsory)

I have to wake up early tomorrow to catch my flight.

He has to finish the project before the end of the week.

They have to submit their report by the end of the day.

She has to attend the meeting at 2pm.

You have to pay the bill before you leave.

We have to go grocery shopping before the store closes.

I have to study for the test tomorrow.

He has to go to the doctor for a check-up.

They have to leave for the airport in an hour.

You have to wear a mask in the store to protect yourself and others from COVID-19

In Question

Why we have to

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